Don't "Fall" Into Bad Habits This Fall

Friday, August 14, 2015 @ 12:29 PM

Dear Friend,

Is it possible that the summer season is nearly behind us already? 

Do you remember the days when "traditional summer" lasted right up to Labor Day?

At least here in the Raleigh-Durham area, kids are getting ready for school, buses are showing up on the roads and vacations are in the rear view mirror.

Perhaps it's true ... "August is the new September."

As families start to get back into old routines or try to figure out new ones, it's important to acknowledge the stressful situations that can come with them.  Often times, couples with existing relationship issues find autumn to be a stressful time. The pace starts to pick up again and time demands for schoolwork, extra-curricular activities and workload can also conspire to bring old problems back to the forefront.

We want you to know that we are well equipped to provide grounded, proven marriage counseling that offers perspective, guidance and resources to help motivated couples get back on track.  In many respects, this is the perfect time of year to address couples' issues ... before the days get shorter and the stress-filled holidays begin to stack up.

Our proprietary Connected Marriage Home model has a proven 85% success rate for restoring distressed marriages and we incorporate this information into the customized program we implement for every couple we serve.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with marriage issues and dedicated to working toward a solution, we are here to be of service. We can offer counseling in traditional weekly appointments, or meet more or less often as needs and schedules dictate.

For couples who are eager to make headway at a faster pace, or are traveling a long distance for our sessions, we routinely conduct extended sessions that can run from 2-to-4 hours.

We also offer Couples and Group Intensives -- approximately 20 hours of counseling over a condensed 2-to-3 day period -- for those occasions where time is of the essence or the issues facing a couple are extremely challenging.


We offer FREE 15-minute phone consultations as an effective starting point. This brief, candid conversation is a good way to reach a collaborative decision about the best way to proceed.  

Christian Counseling Associates Raleigh
809-1000 Spring Forest Rd
Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Office: (919) 260-5830