How do you motivate yourself to do something, to make a change, to get out of bed in the morning?
Motivation is not mysterious; in fact, serious research has been conducted to determine how people are motivated. In broadest terms, we use positive and negative motivations strategies.
Negative Motivations Strategies usually involve fear of dire consequences. The alarm goes off and it’s time to get up. But the bed is so soft and I’m so cozy. Then a picture of me arriving late to my appointment goes through my head. But the covers feel so good. Then a picture comes of the person being disappointed and angry comes. But I’m still comfortable. Finally, a picture of the person firing me and reporting me to a disciplinary board blasts the comfort away and springs me from bed. A Negative Motivation Strategy has worked to get me going. But the price is high. Most forms of disciplinary action or punishment are negative motivation strategies. For example, yelling at an employee or a child or a spouse in order to get them to do something. It may work, but usually at a price-anger, resentment, or passive-aggressive behavior may result.
Positive Motivation Strategies encourgage rather than punish, support rather than threaten. Positive moitvation of self or others can take three appoaches:
show or explain how the choice supports autonomy or self-direction.
show or explain how the choice helps develop mastery or skill-development in a desired area
show or explain how the choice connects with a sense of meaning or purpose for that person.
Autonomy relates to what a person wants or desires for him/herself; mastery relates to a person’s wish to become or more skilled in an area; meaning or purpose addresses self-perceived values or meanings, such as teamwork, a sense of community, being a good person, supporting connection with the source of ones spirituality.
When you are trying to motivate someone – including yourself – try to find ways to support and encourage, rather than ways that punish and threaten.
Say things like:
“I know that you want to be more independent and self-reliant. I want to feel reassured that you will be responsible and safe. How can we both get what we want?”
“Here’s something I want you to take on so that you can learn more managerial skills and behaviors.”
“As a team player and valued member of our organization, you help us out if you will take this task on.”
Positive motivation promotes relaxation, creativity, and a healthy, happy environment for all.
Will Hutchens