For many of us, staying healthy through the holidays may be challenging. There may be extra stress of many types, and more temptation to eat unhealthy foods and to over-eat. What can we do?
Here's some suggestions:
1. Get plenty of fluids, especially pure water: at least 40 oz/day. Consider keeping a thermos of healthy soup with you.
2. Get plenty of rest.
3. For those with difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep: daily healthy eating, stress management including moderate exercise such as walking, and prayer will reduce problems with these. Reading Psalms and Proverbs in the Bible, will provide guidance.
4. Some suggestions for dealing with stress:
make a list of all the things that feel like stressors and how you feel about each one, share your feelings with the Lord in prayer.
Make a list of at least 3 things you are thankful for each day.
Consider joining a small group at church.
If you have a Christian counselor reach out to them as needed.
5. Healthiest foods: most vegetables, especially natural sweet potatoes or yams. Most fruits, especially berries, cranberries. At least 60-90 grams of protein/day. Start with a 20-30 gram breakfast smoothie.
6. The Dr. Oz show website has suggestions including a Holiday Breakfast Smoothie and suggestions for eating before going to the holiday gathering.