MaryAnn Brooks (formerly Kildebeck) walks you through an adoption study at Acorn. Here is your step by step guide on what to expect in this intensive process. Begin your study today to be ready for National Adoption Day in November!
Information Gathering: This can be a lengthy part of the process! It relies on your responses, the responses of your ‘collaterals’ and how busy we are. Your job? Be clear if you are not understanding something and share any roadblocks you discover. We can help you!
Questionnaire: Part of the information gathering process includes a comprehensive, detailed questionnaire. We include your voice in the report, so watch your spelling!
Prospective Adoptive Parent References
Friends and Family
Child/ren’s Physicians
Adoptive Adult’s Physicians
Therapists for the child or adult in this adoptive process in the last 4 years.
Criminal History Records must be completed at Identogo or a similar company.
Personal Visit with Prospective Adoptive Parent
Additional Communications from you, other professionals, etc.
Consolidation and Report Writing
We operate on a retainer basis for adoption studies.
Court Ordered Step Parent Adoption Study $1100 [extra fees for more children].
Nonrelative Guardian Adoption $2200 involving the adoption of one child [extra fees for more children].
Complete your patient portal on Acorn Counseling Education Services, and pay on that site. Online interviews might be conducted via Zoom.
Travel outside Collin, Dallas or Denton County incurs travel expense.
Testifying at court requires a separate retainer.
Fill out this form to contact MaryAnn directly. Or you can email or call her at 940-222-8703 ext 706.