Church Ministries

  • Adult Classes
  • Children Classes/Activities
  • College and Young Adults Classes/Activities


Our heart's desire is to be a place where lives are changed by being a cross-focused community fully devoted to loving God, maturing in the image of Christ, and sharing faith. We're about--loving, maturing, and sharing to become more like Jesus. We want to fall more and more in love with the One who has loved us from the beginning of time. Our worship times are devoted to LOVING GOD and learning what that means. As we understand what it means to love God we will realize that God wants us to be just like Jesus. So for us to MATURE IN CHRIST we devote ourselves to Bible Study. If you aren't familiar with His life and teachings, we'll help you get started. If you already know Him, we'll encourage you to keep growing into His likeness. And as we mature in Christ together, it is our desire to be used by God to help others in their own spiritual journey. We want to SHARE our FAITH with those around us and be His hands and feet.

When you walk in you should expect to see people standing around greeting one another and talking about the weeks events. It is our desire to make everyone feel at home quickly so someone will come up and introduce themselves to you. They may ask how you heard about Memorial Church of Christ or if you live in the area. Feel free to take a seat anywhere as there are no assigned seats.

The goal of our worship is to praise and glorify God. We do not have a lot of flash and show, but pride ourselves in simplicity. The worship that you will be a part of at Memorial Church will be arranged with singing, prayers, a 20-25 minute lesson, and the Lord’s Supper. We do not believe that our worship service is the only thing that makes up church. Church is a group of people who love to be with each other and spend time with each other during the week. The Memorial Church loves to be together and to worship together. We welcome your participation as you feel comfortable.

We love to sing and we welcome you to sing along with us. We sing ‘a cappella,' that is, without accompaniment of musical instruments. We sing 'a cappella' because our study of Scripture has led us to believe that this is the way we can best honor our Lord. Our singing is intended to build each other up and serve as an offering to God.

If you visit on a Sunday, the Lord’s Supper will be included during our worship time. We observe the Lord’s Supper on a weekly basis in order that we may continue to be reminded of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Again, we do this in keeping with the example we see in scripture of the first century Christians meeting to partake of the Lord’s Supper together. We also do it because it is reminding us of the gospel message of Jesus Christ and God’s saving grace through his son on the cross. This time is observed primarily for Christians to remember the covenant they have with God through baptism. That just as Jesus died, was buried, and raised again, we also in becoming Christians died to our old way of life in order that we might be raised up new people in Christ Jesus. The bread reminds us of the body of Jesus on the cross and the grape juice reminds us of the blood that He shed for us. The purpose is for us to remember the life of Jesus that was sacrificed for us on the cross.

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