Christian Churches in 18974

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2 Christian Churches in 18974

Ivyland Presbyterian Church

Ivyland, Pennsylvania 18974
If you are looking for a traditional worshipping community that shares fellowship and mission, Ivyland may be the place for you! Please join us on Sundays at 10am. Join our choir, our youth, our Bible Study- our family of faith! No matter where you’re from- it’s like coming home.

We believe that church is a place where we are called to honor our past, to worship God in the present, and to follow God into the future. We are proud of the history that has brought us to where we are... More »

Warminster Presbyterian Church

Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974
At First Presbyterian Church of Warminster, we are a warm and welcoming community! Whoever you are, whatever your background, however you dress, whatever you do, no matter your age, whomever you love, you will be welcomed here. We are a supportive family that helps each other, prays for each other, and reaches out to others in our neighborhood.

Our Sunday service begins at 9:30 a.m., but come a little early to meet people, hear about our current events, and find a comfy spot! Kids... More »


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian church in 18974. Our easy Christian church search has directed you to the Christian churches that you see listed above in 18974.

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