Christian Churches in 19128

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3 Christian Churches in 19128

Pilgrim Church

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19128
Pilgrim Church is devoted to the joyful worship of God and the loving service of our neighbors, seeking to reach every man, woman and child in our area with the gospel by working with other Christians in a strategic outreach of Christ-centered deeds and gospel words that connect us with all our neighbors from every culture.

To this end, we will

Practice the presence of God by constant prayer and praise.
Love and serve others before ourselves, renouncing our innate prejudice,... More »

St. Timothy's Episcopal Church

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19128
In the midst of our diversity, there is one place where we all unite and that is around the table. In worship, we come together around the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion. At St. Timothy’s everyone is invited to partake in communion. We offer Gluten-free communion wafers and a non-alcohol chalice.

We also gather to share food and fellowship at coffee hour after church, at elaborate suppers, informal cookouts and simple potlucks. We are always renewing our bond with God and with... More »

Leverington Presbyterian Church

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19128
We are for our city.

We are a community of hope in Christ – that is intentionally helping other people experience the Kingdom of God.

We are a growing church – that weds vintage Christianity with new forms of worship in order to help all generations grow as disciples of Jesus.

We are a diverse church for families and singles that includes practical biblical teaching, passionate worship, small groups, children’s programs and hands on mission.


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian church in 19128. Our easy Christian church search has directed you to the Christian churches that you see listed above in 19128.

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