Christian Churches in 32211

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3 Christian Churches in 32211

Arlington Baptist Church

Jacksonville, Florida 32211
Our church service starts at 10:30am. We sing to Jesus, pray for our community, and hear our pastor preach from the Bible. Dress casually or formally; it's up to you.

We provide age-appropriate discipleship environments for all generations; from birth through retirement. No one is too young or old to learn about the word of God.

Every church exists to make disciples, but each church is unique in how that process works. We're intentional about making disciples who declare and... More »

St Luke Episcopal Church

Jacksonville, Florida 32211
You're welcome to join our multicultural, bilingual parish community at any time. We believe in creating a faith community that's as rooted in the gospels as it is in one another. Join us next Sunday and see how our community comes together to praise.

Te invitamos a ser parte de esta familia que es bilingue y multicultural. Creemos que es en comunidad como podemos vivir la vida cristiana mas saludablemente. Somos una parroquia de la Iglesia Episcopal donde asisten personas de... More »

St Paul United Methodist

Jacksonville, Florida 32211
At St. Paul we are an intentional inter-generational community that understands mentoring happens through study, worship, service and witness.We reach out to mentor our community through Christ-centered relationships and meeting each other’s needs. St. Paul is a family that accepts differences.
Through our church family, love transforms our community, and we in turn are transformed.

The high-calling of our Church today can be found in the mission statement of Jesus described in... More »


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian church in 32211. Our easy Christian church search has directed you to the Christian churches that you see listed above in 32211.

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