Christian Churches in 43212

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2 Christian Churches in 43212

Trinity United Methodist Church

Columbus, Ohio 43212
At Trinity, there are three ways to connect with others: attend Explore Trinity, join a small group, or serve on a team. Explore Trinity is your first, next step towards getting plugged in at Trinity. You’ll meet people who are new or unconnected like you. You’ll learn about what God is doing through the people of Trinity; hear about our mission, purpose, and vision; and meet our pastors. Best of all, we’ll help you find your role in the story God is telling through Trinity. Explore... More »

Boulevard Presbyterian Church

Columbus, Ohio 43212
The people of Boulevard Presbyterian Church invite you to join us as we continue our strong traditions of:

Living faith through worship, mission, education and fellowship with the vision of "Reaching Out to Make Disciples."

Following the path laid out by God through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sharing the inclusive love of God to all of God's children and God's creation.

Exposing the light of Christ to the world through music, words, prayer and actions.


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian church in 43212. Our easy Christian church search has directed you to the Christian churches that you see listed above in 43212.

Thank you for searching in 43212 for a Christian church.

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