Christian Churches in 90041

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2 Christian Churches in 90041

Eagle Rock Baptist Church

Los Angeles, California 90041
We believe that you’ll find ERBC to be a great place to explore, celebrate, and live out your faith! Our church is easily accessible from all of Los Angeles, located just South of the 134 in Eagle Rock between Glendale and Pasadena. If you’re searching for a Glendale church, a Pasadena church or a Los Angeles church, we hope you will stop by for a visit and join us for one of our worship services. We look forward to getting to know you!

During the week, we meet in Life Groups at... More »

Christian Assembly

Los Angeles, California 90041
We are a community of grace (broken people in need of unmerited love) trying to grow in the values of genuine worship, family, and kingdom. We don’t claim to be perfect but we know we have a perfect God to turn to in every season of our lives.

Christian Assembly started out with a few people in a small group years ago out of the Azusa Street Revival movement. It actually was called “Italian Christian Assembly” when the church first began as the first members mainly consisted of... More »


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian church in 90041. Our easy Christian church search has directed you to the Christian churches that you see listed above in 90041.

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