Phoenix, Arizona, Christian Churches

View Christian churches in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Click on View Profile to learn more about each church and find the best match for you.

7 Christian Churches in Phoenix, Arizona

Mountain Park Community

Phoenix, Arizona 85048
When you walk though the doors, you will experience a positive, upbeat environment your entire family will be comfortable in.

If you have children ages birth - preschool, you will find Basecamp on the first floor. Kindergarten through 3rd... More »

Bridgeway Community

Phoenix, Arizona 85048

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

Phoenix, Arizona 85086
Welcome to St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Catholic Community. We are “A Welcoming and Joyful Community committed to making Disciples by igniting and strengthening Faith in Christ and the Celebration of God’s Grace.”

We strive to live every day... More »

Desert View Bible Church

Phoenix, Arizona 85086
At Desert View Bible Church, the motivation for everything we do is to see God glorified. It is God’s work, not man’s. The Scriptures are His word to us and set our priorities for what is important. Our purpose is to see transformed lives of... More »

Calvary Community Church Pheonix AZ 85029

Phoenix, Arizona 85029
Calvary Community Church is known for a love of God's Word and celebration of His Grace toward us. One reason these qualities are so strong at Calvary goes back to our beginning in 1982 when Pastor J. Mark Martin left a legalistic, unbiblical... More »

Christ Church Lutheran

Phoenix, Arizona 85018
We have many ways for you to get connected here at Christ Church-Lutheran through Bible studies, fellowship activities, service opportunities, and more.


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian church in Phoenix, Arizona. Our easy Christian church search has directed you to the Christian churches that you see listed above in Phoenix, Arizona.

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