Atlanta, Georgia 30324
Born out of the Passion Movement (a decades-old movement among the collegiate generation), they sought to plant a local community of faith impacted and informed by the DNA of Passion. With a small team of people, that vision took flight in 2008, as small gatherings began in homes throughout Atlanta. The desire was to foster a family of believers connected by a common faith, on mission in the city and the world to amplify the name of Jesus. And that’s exactly what happened. Our... More »
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Brief History of Buckhead Church A group of people in the Buckhead area wanted a relevant church where they could safely bring their friends who did not go to church - a church similar to North Point Community Church (NPCC) in Alpharetta. "I was willing to drive to Alpharetta to attend NPCC, but I knew my lost friends and neighbors that lived in Buckhead probably wouldn't," commented Keith Eigel, an original member of the Buckhead Church steering committee. In the spring of... More »
Atlanta, Georgia 30350
Sunday morning at DCC is all about connection. Whether through Scripture, prayer, music, or teaching, our goal is to give you opportunities to engage with God on a personal level. We want to be with Jesus together, so that we become like Jesus, in order to do what Jesus did. At the end of our Sunday morning service, we hope you will leave with a deeper understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Come as you are, ready for fellowship and worship. Greet our... More »
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
Established over 170 years ago we continue to grow in our love for God and in our love for one another. That is why we have chosen as our theme, “Loving one another to Christ”, and is based on I John 3: 11-18 and 4:7-12. It is out of that love that comes from God’s heart to our own that motivates us to go to the world in mission and in ministry to proclaim His love to all people. Every member of our congregation is encouraged to grow in discipleship as we believe the closer we come to... More »
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
If you do join us for worship, what you will find is that we are a gathering of sincere, transparent, and admittedly broken people who have been forever changed by Jesus Christ. Thanks to God’s provision for our church, we have enjoyed a rich history that began in 1884. Ever since that small group of Smyrna residents assembled together to form the First Baptist Church, the generations of members to follow have unapologetically anchored our lives to the truths of the Bible. Much around... More »