Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
Glory Point offers an atmosphere of love and acceptance so that everyone can experience the peace and healing presence of God.
We offer multicultural family worship. Personal ministry services are also available upon request.
If you are looking to bring the Lord into your life, reach out to us at Glory Point and speak to a member of our staff!
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
We serve our community with empowerment programs and outreach ministries the serve hundred's of people every year. We reach into our neighborhoods, institutions, and schools with support and the Gospel of Christ. The people of New Covenant Church, from our eldership, to our key leaders, ministry and auxiliary teams, to the newest members, are the heart and soul of our ministry. May the Lord grant us the favor, grace and resources to continue to make a positive impact on the city of... More »
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268
We’re committed to igniting a passion to follow Jesus by helping people belong, grow, and multiply. The initial phase of any relationship is discovery. Before you do anything, you probably want to learn who someone is, what they like, and what they believe in. It's no different with a church, but it can be more daunting. First, it’s important to be a part of the church as a whole before trying to connect to just a part of the church (a group, ministry, etc.). Second, every... More »
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
We are a community of people learning to be with Jesus and become like Jesus in the everyday mess of life. We believe the deepest desires of the human heart and our city can only be satisfied in a transformational encounter with Jesus Christ. The church is not a place where you consume religious goods and services with like-minded people, but rather a diverse group of people committed to being a unified family. As family, we seek to reorient our life rhythms, preferences, and... More »