Westerville, Ohio 43082
We are a people striving to move UPWARD toward Jesus in Prayer and Worship, move TOWARDS EACH OTHER in Love, and move OUTWARD with the Gospel of Jesus. At Heritage, our atmosphere is relaxed and dress is casual, so feel free to come as you... More »
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
At Orange Friends Church, we are dedicated to authentic, relevant worship. Our mission is to provide a vibrant, inspiring worship celebration that allows followers of Christ to connect with God and allows the pre-Christian to investigate the... More »
Columbus, Ohio 43235
Our spiritual community begins with the life and words of Jesus. He is at the center of all we believe and do. His life is recorded in the New Testament, a book with unparalleled historical credibility. Jesus’ birth was miraculous since His... More »
Westerville, Ohio 43081
At Westerville Christian Church, we are all about loving God, loving people and making disciples. We are an independent, non-denominational, Bible-believing Christian Church that desires to see your life changed by Jesus. All of our worship... More »
Columbus, Ohio 43212
The people of Boulevard Presbyterian Church invite you to join us as we continue our strong traditions of: Living faith through worship, mission, education and fellowship with the vision of "Reaching Out to Make Disciples." Following the... More »
Westerville, Ohio 43081
We are a body of believers seeking to lead people into a life altering and personal relationship with the living God and His Son Jesus Christ. The authority of God's Word is preached and His Son is exalted through music and The Word. We... More »
Westerville, Ohio 43081
For adults we offer a wide variety of thought-provoking educational programs centered on what it means to be a Christian in today’s world. These include both Sunday morning classes and opportunities through the week for study and reflection.... More »
Columbus, Ohio 43235
We come together on Sundays to discover God through truthful and honest Biblical teaching that applies to our daily lives and engage in worship by singing/listening to great music, reading scripture and spending time in prayer.
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
In a place where much is new, our roots grow deep. Lewis Center UMC recently celebrated 150 years of vibrant and relevant ministry in the Lewis Center community. We’ve got a special place in our heart for children and youth, and we challenge... More »
Westerville, Ohio 43081
On any given weekend you will hear a message from one of our Pastors that is Biblically-based and relevant to your life. The scriptures are explained in language which is useful. A bulletin is available for you to follow along with as you enter... More »
Columbus, Ohio 43085
Our church offers many opportunities to share God’s grace and love through giving to others. It feels good to know you’re making a difference in our neighborhood, the country and the world. Find purpose by sharing your gifts and talents and... More »
Westerville, Ohio 43081
In our Sunday services we strive to communicate the seriousness of approaching a holy God as well as our joy in Jesus Christ who has granted us access to God. We believe the Bible and submit completely to its authority. We preach the Bible and... More »
Gahanna, Ohio 43230
At One Church, we seek to create new connections between people and multiply our effect on the world by aligning our efforts and purpose. Our contemporary, multi-racial church understands that everyone has different circumstances; we've adopted... More »
Columbus, Ohio 43221
One of the highlights of our week is the opportunity to gather together for worship on Sunday mornings where we sing, pray, laugh, learn, and praise God together. We set this time aside each week as a way to show God just how much we love Him... More »
Columbus, Ohio 43212
At Trinity, there are three ways to connect with others: attend Explore Trinity, join a small group, or serve on a team. Explore Trinity is your first, next step towards getting plugged in at Trinity. You’ll meet people who are new or... More »
Columbus, Ohio 43240
We all need hope. In different ways and at different times.Hope for our relationships, our careers, our health, our finances, our faith. A belief that goes beyond our current circumstances and tells us that we can make it one more day. And that... More »
Pickerington, Ohio 43147
We believe in one God—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures, given by plenary inspiration, contain all truth necessary to faith and Christian living. We believe that man is born with a... More »