Lewis Center, Ohio, Christian Churches

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2 Christian Churches in Lewis Center, Ohio

Orange Friends Church Lewis Center OH

Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
At Orange Friends Church, we are dedicated to authentic, relevant worship. Our mission is to provide a vibrant, inspiring worship celebration that allows followers of Christ to connect with God and allows the pre-Christian to investigate the claims of Christ in a safe and friendly environment.

Dress is casual – we encourage you to come as you are. Typically each service lasts about an hour and a half.

Whether you’re single, married, single again, with or without children – no... More »

Lewis Center United Methodist Lewis Center OH

Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
In a place where much is new, our roots grow deep. Lewis Center UMC recently celebrated 150 years of vibrant and relevant ministry in the Lewis Center community. We’ve got a special place in our heart for children and youth, and we challenge you to find another local church that is more heavily involved in missions. Come join us for worship and see what we’re all about!

At Lewis Center UMC, everyone is welcome to come just as they are. We are more concerned with real life issues... More »


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian church in Lewis Center, Ohio. Our easy Christian church search has directed you to the Christian churches that you see listed above in Lewis Center, Ohio.

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