People experience problems which result in forming beliefs about themselves which are false causing negative emotions that impact their choices. During the counseling process, I seek to validate people’s experiences while helping them uncover the truth about their inherent value and worth in order to re-frame their problems and discover solutions to them.
Eleven Six Counseling is a place where faith in God is rewarded by experiencing his care and concern. People searching for answers find them through relationship with him and discovering the eternal value each person holds in God’s eyes.
Why I Became a Professional Christian Therapist
Hebrews 11:6 says that in order to please God, we must first believe he exists and that he rewards those who diligently seek him. as a result of my own life's journey, I concluded that my experiences shape and mold my character into becoming exactly who God wants me to be and to fulfill His purpose for my life. My desire is to help others discover their purpose and value in God's kingdom.