Specializing in trauma and abuse, I have 18 years experience with recognizing the undercurrent of spiritual needs that anchor eating disorders, PTSD, reactionary behavior as a result of abuse and the sexual confusion and identity disturbances specifically laced to sexual abuse in early childhood. To best address common issues like depression, anxiety, repressed memory retrieval, in-utero rejection and adoption, codependency, PTSD, chronic pain, female reproductive problems, sexual addiction and spiritual abuse, I have found IFS Therapy to be paramount to sustainable healing. The IFS therapy approach which is a psychotherapy introduced by Dr. Dick Schwartz can be used in conjunction with somatic healing, craniosacral therapy, dance and art therapies, grief counseling, expressive journalism and dream interpretation. The IFS modality is the primal choice for working with all of my clients. Sessions are 1.5hrs in length to allow for your brain to connect to your emotional internal parts. A more in-depth overview is explained on the website with examples of physical healings and video links to demonstrate parts work and inner healing. I am unable to take insurance as healthcare acknowledges my services as holistic and ministry focused.
I have been certified as an itinerant minister through Global Awakening Ministry school in 2012 which affords me the opportunity to practice as a Pastoral Counselor through their continued education program. Beyond my B.S, degree in Family Studies from the University of Maryland I obtained licensures in a myriad of mental health modalities like Internal Family Systems (IFS), Wellspring Inner Healing, The Enneagram, Autistic Therapy (CSAAC), Dream Interpretation, Childhood Trauma, Sozo, and Power Christian Healing.
I obtained credentials in Theophostic Inner-healing Prayer ministry during a two year study while using it as one of the methods to counseling for over 13 years. My re-location to Georgia allows me do prophetic deliverance re-treat weekends as well as group IFS therapy sessions with Kennesaw State University students.
My prayer is for every individual or couple who is led to me for help, gain the insight and revelation of Holy Spirit for the truth to outweigh lies in their thoughts and behavior.
My Christian Faith and My Professional Practice
With a strong emphasis on addressing beliefs and themes that have played out in one's life, I approach inner healing journeys by dismantling lies and replacing them with truth. Sin is a dirty word that gets tossed around a lot in Christian circles and emotions get a bad reputation for making us behave "badly" which I find negates the fact that our inward parts may need to have a "Coming to Jesus moment" before they are convinced to act differently. Doing better isn't the object of sanctification, being human and accepting grace is. There is already enough damnation going on around in the world, I don't think Christians should be partaking in it because it darkens the light that we are supposed to carry. The real problem is maintaining the light when we react to hardship from our subconscious pain, and that requires prayerful practice which IFS brings to your heart and soul. Say goodbye to perfection and pick up love for yourself as you look inward and back to you because God resides in you. (Psalm 51:6)
Implementing self care through any of the 14 inner healing strategies that I can offer, allow me to utilize many strategies from a tool belt of approaches.
Holistically, it is possible to combat all ramifications of incest, rape, PTSD, abuse, abandonment and feeling un-wanted, traumatic lifestyles or episodes, relational dysfunction, gender identity confusion, eating disorders, repressed memories and mis-diagnosis of ADHD, autism and ADD as well as suicidal tendencies.
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- Client rates are on a sliding scale