Dr. Dillon received a PhD in Counseling Psychology from Northwestern University and has been licensed as a clinical psychologist in the state of Illinois since 1991. She has considerable clinical experience in a variety of settings and trained both at the Family Institute of Chicago, now of Northwestern University, and at Cook County Hospital. She furthered her graduate education by obtaining a Master's in Pastoral Studies in 2006 from the Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University Chicago, where she had the honor to develop and teach the Human Growth and Development course at the Institute from 2007 to 2014. She is currently the resident psychologist for Crossroads Soul Resources, which is a Trinitarian and Enneagram Harmony School of Spiritual Direction. She teaches about the integration of the body with spiritual direction in that program. She is trauma trained through Somatic Experiencing International and Dynamic Attachment Repatterning Experience, which is Diane Poole Heller's work.
Dr. Dillon and her staff are trained in the integration of the spiritual with the psychological, and will integrate a client’s spiritual history and experience as part of the psychotherapy process, as invited. We live in a very complex world and as clinicians, we are grateful for new awareness and understanding which has emerged especially over the past 30 years, of how we grow best in relationship, with focus on the integration of body, mind and Spirit. This integration lends insights and tools into how we heal and unlock our potential to grow into our best selves, and potentially become agents of change in our world.