Masters in Family Ministry, Training in Marriage and pre-martial counseling.
I am a licensed Alcohol and drug counselor in Massachusetts and also work with couples and families.
I am credentialed with 10 insurance companies that will cover addiction counseling in network. Check with your insurance company. Most addiction past or present qualify except sexual additions and pornography (not usually covered).
I also do private pay Pastoral Counseling at $100 for individuals and couples.
I specialize in addictions as well as pre- marital and marital counseling and church issues.
I have been in pastoral ministry for 22 years and mental health services for 30+
I combine biblical principles with appropriate counseling methodology as well as prayer.
Why I Became a Professional Christian Therapist
Aenon Counseling is from John 3:23 ; Aenon means "spring" or "natural fountain," and is the original name of Wenham in Massachusetts where I practice.
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