I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist practicing in Tennessee, California, South Carolina, and Florida.
Marriage/Couples Counseling:
Does it feel like you and your partner just aren’t on the same page anymore? Do you feel like they just don’t hear you, or worse yet, that they just don’t care what you say or how you feel? Do you want to get your relationship back to where it used to be when you enjoyed each other’s company, instead of dreading coming home every night? So much of the disconnect we feel with our partner stems from a lack of communication or poor communication. In therapy, you’ll learn effective listening and communication skills, such as Reflective Listening, that will allow you and your partner to hear and understand each other in different ways.
I am an active participant in your treatment, and I pay attention to the nuances of what you share with me. I recall those things and bring them into play later when needed. I offer neutral observations that help you clarify what may be going on and identify patterns that may need to be broken. I come alongside you to help YOU to move them out of the way.
In very practical ways, I will teach you how to really listen to each other, using strategies such as Reflective Listening and "I" Statements, how to create healthy boundaries in the relationship, how to have difficult conversations & fight fairly, and how to maintain a healthy relationship, using a structured "family meeting". Together we will practice these new skills in session & you'll practice between sessions, until they become almost second nature.
And For Individual Counseling:
Do you feel unheard, unappreciated, or under-valued? Do you feel like nothing you do is good enough? Do you wish you had the courage to be who you are really meant to be? Chances are that you’ve felt that way so long, you’ve come to believe it yourself. There are patterns in place that you can't seem to break. Imposter Syndrome and feelings of insecurity are real! Now you’re ready to change those beliefs, break those patterns, learn to value yourself, and take control of your own life. You're ready to discover who you were really meant to be. I want to help you be the best version of yourself. You can do this!
You want to discover yourself, find your purpose, & achieve personal fulfillment. You want to be that confident person who doesn't worry about what everyone else thinks. You want to be comfortable being authentically you. And you want your voice to be heard and valued. You want personal growth and to show the world what you have to offer. I can help.
I do this work because I enjoy helping people get out of their own way and become the person they were meant to be.
I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with over 25 years of experience working with children, families, and couples of diverse backgounds.
My Christian Faith and My Professional Practice
I made the decision to become a Christian when I was 3 years old. I was raised in a strong Christian family and grew up in church. My relationship with Christ has always played an important role in my life, although I'll admit to having ups and downs in my Christian walk throughout the years.
In 8th grade, it became clear to me that my calling was to become a therapist. And from that point on, I set out to achieve that goal. In 2014, I earned my California Marriage & Family Therapist license.
In 2011, during a particularly intense church service, I felt God clearly tell me that He wanted me to serve fellow believers with the issues they struggle with, infusing Christan beliefs into the sessions to support others.
In my practice, I seek to meet people where they are and support them at the level that they are comfortable with.