Rehoboth Therapy & Wellness

6700 E Speedway Blvd., Unit 400
Tucson, Arizona, US

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Practice Specialties

  • Behavioral Issues
  • Family Counseling
  • Individual Counseling
  • Stress and Anxiety


Rehoboth is Hebrew for “Open Space.” Here, you’ll find a safe space where you can find healing from your deepest hurts. Rehoboth Therapy & Wellness was created so that you can feel heard, restored and experience freedom.

We work with men, women and children ages 14 and up, however, we do have a unique passion to serve the males in our community. Why? We’re all about creating a stronger, safer community. Right now the therapy community focuses on women and children and there is a gap in providing high-quality healing services for men. We are here to change that.

Maybe something happened to you or something was said to you that has altered the way you view yourself and the world. You know it needs attention because you are more anxious, you can’t sleep, you have migraines, you can’t be present with your family, you zone out, you have anger that seems to come out of nowhere. You have unhealthy habits that you minimize the severity of.

Our philosophy is simple: healed people heal people. We meet you where you’re at and empower you to overcome the obstacles you’re facing, enabling you to rediscover the confidence and peace within yourself. You can live the life you know is possible.

We are the guides to our therapy, but you are the expert of your life. With us, you will reclaim your life.

My Christian Faith and My Professional Practice

I specialize in addressing all forms of trauma, with a particular focus on sexual abuse. In my practice, I’ve found that confronting this issue can be especially challenging for both males and females. Shame, embarrassment, and self-blame often surround experiences of sexual abuse, leading individuals to bury their feelings deep within themselves. Some may even question whether the abuse truly occurred or assign blame to themselves. However, our bodies often carry the truth, signaling that something significant has happened, even if we’ve tried to ignore it. Whether it’s sexual abuse or another form of trauma that has altered our perception of ourselves and the world, many of us sense that something isn’t right but keep the problem to ourselves, hoping it will simply disappear. I invite you to partner with me on your journey toward the freedom you’ve been longing for, even if you’re not sure how to attain it.

With multicultural experience gained from living in Europe for three years and Honduras for two years, I bring a diverse perspective to my work. I’ve also fostered three teenagers and have professional experience with the Department of Child Safety and in the Pima County Jail. When I say that nothing will surprise me, I truly mean it. My clientele ranges from ages 14 to 75, and I am well-equipped to provide both traditional mental health counseling and faith-integrated counseling, drawing on my Christian beliefs to support you in reaching your goals if desired.

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