Restoration Soul Care

2305 Sycamore Ave.
Louisville, Kentucky, US

Available By

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Practice Specialties

  • Abuse and Trauma
  • Anger Management
  • Career Coaching
  • Career Counseling
  • Church Conflict
  • College Student Counseling
  • Counseling for Pastors and Wives
  • Couples Counseling
  • Divorce and Remarriage
  • Divorce Counseling
  • Divorce Prevention
  • Divorce Recovery
  • Empty Nest Anxiety and Depression
  • Ex-Relationship Adjustments
  • Life Coaching
  • Marriage and Family Counseling
  • Marriage Counseling
  • Parent Coaching
  • Pornography Issues
  • Premarital Counseling
  • Sex and Intimacy
  • Spiritual Counseling
  • Stewardship and Finance
  • Stress and Anxiety


One of the most beautiful things that God does is the work of restoration. We see in scripture that what God creates is good. God doesn’t treat his creations as disposable, like wadding up a piece of paper and throwing it away to start anew. Through Christ, he does the work of restoration - from the day our bodies are resurrected to the restoration of the earth and the rejoining of it to heaven. God's work seeks to bring you home and restore you to what he made you to be; His and whole in Christ.

After years of training and pastoral experience, Restoration Soul Care was founded to help individuals and support churches with often avoided issues like spiritual abuse, pornography, and sexual addictions. They also work with folks looking for guidance and spiritual direction through the ups and downs of life including anxiety and depression.

Why I Became a Professional Christian Therapist

After years in ministry and walking through our own stories of hurt and addiction, we are passionate about sharing this hope and healing with others.

Client Payment Information

  • Client rates are on a sliding scale

Therapists on Staff

Nick Buda
Michael Kamber
Nick Buda

Nick Buda

Nick hails from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He is a graduate of Southern Seminary and served as a pastor for over 10 years. His experience of gracious care through the church made him passionate about walking with others who have messy stories. He is a certified PSAP (Pastoral Sexual Addiction Professional) with the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals and a Board Certified Mental Health Coach through the American Association of Christian Counselors.

Nick loves metal music, ice hockey, and adventuring outdoors. He and his wife, Ali, have three beautiful daughters and a crazy dog named Jax.
Michael Kamber

Michael Kamber

Founder, PMAP
Michael grew up in the church just outside of Louisville, Kentucky. He has served in various church ministry roles including Student Pastor, Lay Elder, and Counseling Pastor over the years. He has vocational experience in marketing and started a successful small business. Michael has a Biblical Counseling degree from Boyce College, has completed CrossPoint’s 2-year Soul Care Institute training, and has earned a PMAP (Pastoral Multiple Addiction Professional) credential from the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals.

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