Christian Therapists in 30281

View Christian therapists and counselors in the 30281 area. Click on View Profile to learn more about each therapist and find the best match for you.

2 Christian Therapists in 30281

Caring Heart Consulting & Counseling Services LLC

Stockbridge, Georgia 30281
Hello, my name is Johnnie Porter. I've been a professional Pastoral/ Bereavement Care Coordinator (Hospital & Hospice) for 23 years. I've been a Pastor for 13 years and have been married for 15 years. I've been a Christian counselor and am currently completing my Ph.D. in Marriage & Family Therapy with a concentration in General Family Therapy. I work with a team of Pastoral Counselors who provide safe and socially distant in-person and virtual Pastoral Care & Bereavement Care... More »

Pastoral Care Training & Praxis, Inc.

Stockbridge, Georgia 30281
Units of Clinical Pastoral Education. Certified by the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy, Inc.
Certification for use of Prepare/Enrich Instrument. Materials for Pre-marriage and Marriage Counseling.
Pre-marriage Program.
Marriage counseling
Grief Counseling


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian therapist or Christian counselor in 30281. Our easy Christian therapist search has directed you to the Christian therapists and counselors that you see listed above in 30281.

Counseling specialties in 30281 and beyond will include Christian marriage and family counseling, Christian couples counseling, grief and bereavement counseling from a Christian perspective, divorce recovery Christian Counseling, stress anxiety and depression counseling from Christian therapists and counselors and much more.

Thank you for searching in 30281 for a Christian therapist or counselor.

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