Bowling Green, Kentucky, Christian Therapists

View Christian therapists and counselors in the Bowling Green, Kentucky area. Click on View Profile to learn more about each therapist and find the best match for you.

1 Christian Therapists in Bowling Green, Kentucky

Life Training Christian Counseling

Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101
Established in 2007, Life Training Christian Counseling offers convenient online Christ-centered therapy in Bowling Green and Louisville, Kentucky, Nashville, Tennessee, as well as surrounding cities and states. Led by Dr. Dave and Ann Ralston, they specialize in helping individuals, couples, and families facing anxiety and depression, as well as those dealing with relational issues of all types. Their approach incorporates the Arno Profile System, a leading temperament assessment... More »


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian therapist or Christian counselor in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Our easy Christian therapist search has directed you to the Christian therapists and counselors that you see listed above in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Counseling specialties in Bowling Green, Kentucky and beyond will include Christian marriage and family counseling, Christian couples counseling, grief and bereavement counseling from a Christian perspective, divorce recovery Christian Counseling, stress anxiety and depression counseling from Christian therapists and counselors and much more.

Thank you for searching in Bowling Green, Kentucky for a Christian therapist or counselor.

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