Christian Therapists in T2H 0X9

View Christian therapists and counselors in the T2H 0X9 area. Click on View Profile to learn more about each therapist and find the best match for you.

2 Christian Therapists in T2H 0X9

Master's Counselling Services Inc.

Calgary, Alberta T2H 2B8
Our counsellors bring genuine compassion and care to their practice, in order to help you flourish, in whatever stage of life you find yourself in.

For over 20 years, the Masters Counselling team has created a safe place for you to process your thoughts, explore your feelings and release you into your full potential.

We work with you to find solutions that support your ongoing mental health. Our team is committed to working with you and for you, to find strategies tailor-made for... More »

Balm of Gilead Evangelistic Ministries, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Calgary, Alberta T2H 0X9
MA in Christian Counseling, ministry focused on biblical counseling, deliverance counseling, spiritual warfare, prophetic intercession, special focus on life coaching with young adults under 35, individual counseling, couple counseling, pre-marital counseling, new immigrants socio-cultural orientation.

We are available to conduct your christian wedding and also as a Commissioner for Oaths for Alberta, we are here to sign your legal documents that require a Commissioner for Oaths to... More »


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian therapist or Christian counselor in T2H 0X9. Our easy Christian therapist search has directed you to the Christian therapists and counselors that you see listed above in T2H 0X9.

Counseling specialties in T2H 0X9 and beyond will include Christian marriage and family counseling, Christian couples counseling, grief and bereavement counseling from a Christian perspective, divorce recovery Christian Counseling, stress anxiety and depression counseling from Christian therapists and counselors and much more.

Thank you for searching in T2H 0X9 for a Christian therapist or counselor.

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