Christian Churches in 77024

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3 Christian Churches in 77024

Tallowood Baptist Church

Houston, Texas 77024
What is a church? Some people think of it as a building made of bricks and mortar. Others think of it as a once a week outing. Still others see it as a place for weddings and funerals to take place. None of these ideas completely defines Tallowood. More than a place, Tallowood is a group of people who have chosen to become a community of joy through commitment to Jesus Christ our Lord!

In a world where people are sometimes forgotten and thrown away, Tallowood offers real community.... More »

Chapelwood United Methodist

Houston, Texas 77024
At Chapelwood United Methodist Church, we are on a mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. In other words, our mission is to love and follow Jesus, and to invite others to love and follow him, too, so we can help touch people’s lives.

We do that by embodying grace as we receive it to those who need it - and everyone needs it, including all of us! What does “embodying grace” mean? It’s putting God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, healing, and... More »

Memorial Drive Church of Christ

Houston, Texas 77024
Our heart's desire is to be a place where lives are changed by being a cross-focused community fully devoted to loving God, maturing in the image of Christ, and sharing faith. We're about--loving, maturing, and sharing to become more like Jesus. We want to fall more and more in love with the One who has loved us from the beginning of time. Our worship times are devoted to LOVING GOD and learning what that means. As we understand what it means to love God we will realize that God... More »


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