Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve certainly had to make adjustments. We lost our structures: We were suddenly forced to enter unfamiliar new roles, blend work and home in ways we couldn’t anticipate, find new methods to manage social interactions and friendships, fight boredom, and even change the context in which we spend time with those we love.
Most tragically, we suffered loss…the deaths of friends, family, coworkers, public figures we admired, and acquaintances. Over two years of isolation have stripped away the markers that we used to track the passage of time, the holidays, birthdays, and special events that we treasured. The hardest pill to swallow is that we’re not out of the woods yet. Another hard pill to swallow is the divisions this pandemic has caused in our nation, among fellow believers, neighbors, family, and friends. We have seen Satan's power in his lies, splitting efforts, and efforts to separate us from doing what is right and good, as Christ would have us to do.
I know you’re tired. We all are. We’ve been fighting the same struggle, missing our children's birthdays, celebrating Christmas over video calls, eating Thanksgiving alone. But we can do this.
This is the crucial part. There is good news, so listen up.
There is Hope! And even through difficult times, Christians can shine as 'lights to the world,' affirming that no matter what happens in this world, we can serve as His disciples by the good we do and show others, even during difficult times.
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